Blogging and Praying that I never forget these days . . . .

A Frozen Morning

January 18, 2014

MaryKate and I spent Saturday morning with some of our favorite girlfriends.  We went to a Frozen meet and greet party with Elsa and Anna from Disney's newest movie.  The girls were adorable to watch as they visited with the newest princesses.  During our time there they got to color a picture of Olof, build a snowman with foam paper, listen to the book while Anna read, decorate a snowman cookie, and have their face painted.  They were all so impressed and excited to see the Elsa and Anna.  It was definitely a special morning spent with some very sweet little girls.  I pray they stay buddies and we get to do lots of other girl days like today.  Thanks Mommies for sharing today with us!!

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