Blogging and Praying that I never forget these days . . . .

Baby Dolls

August 13, 2011
Yay!  The time is here . . . Mary Kate has started playing with her baby dolls.  So precious!  On Wednesday, Jay's mom (Dianne) and I took the kids out for some shopping errands.  After we were done with our list of stuff to pick up, Dianne decided to take the kids in and get them a toy.  The kids are excellent shoppers (most of the time) and Max was on his best behavior because Grandma was with us.  He is smart and has learned that good behavior pays off when Grandma is around.  We headed into Target and Max picked out some Transformers after a long deliberaton.  Next we decided to pick Mary Kate out a new doll.  She had started showing some interest in her's at the house so I had my fingers crossed we where at the begining of the stage.  Whew!  I never knew that picking out a doll could be so hard!  We wanted one with a bottle because that is what little girls do . .  feed their babies.  Well, very few came with a bottle and we couldn't find an accessory kit that had bottles in it.  Mary Kate picked out several . . one with a binkie, one for the tub, on with a twin, one that cried, one that giggled . . the list gones on and on.  We spent what felt like the better part of an hour on the crazy doll aisle.  Finally we chose the one for the bath tub.  She was too cute carrying it to the front of the store and touching it's face in the box.  As soon as we got home I took it out of the box and it hasn't hardly left her arms since a week ago.  She will trade it out for other babies but a "baab-e" now always goes with us.  She takes a bath, goes to Mama Nora's house, goes to church, goes to the fair, out to eat, to swim at the pool . . . basicially where ever Mary Kate goes now a "baab-e" goes too.  I found an accessory pack a few days later so now the baby is set.  She has bottles, food bowls, spoons, and blankets.  Occasionally, Mary Kate will share her binkie with the "baab-e".  At the fair on Friday she kept handing her to the older boys for them to feed her and rock her.  They were sweet and played around with the baby to Mary Kate's delight.  I think we all got to "baab-e" sit for Mary Kate through the course of the evening.  These are some of the moments I live for these days.  I am so thankful for my wonderful kidos. They are each too cute as they transition to these stages of favorite things and ideas.  Thanks you, God, for the wonderful blessings in my life!

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