Blogging and Praying that I never forget these days . . . .

Simple Wooden Toys

October 23-26, 2008
Gatlinburg 3 of 3
Do you want me to explain?? or is it more fun to make up your own story?? Well, as you can see we purchased some simple wooden guns while in Gatlinburg on Saturday evening. After Max and I ate too much Karamelcorn and candy from the parade we got a little hyper. (Jay would probably disagree with the words "a little") We played a game of shoo shoo bang bang got you as Max called it. I chased him all over our little bitty 1 room cozy cabin. We went up over the bed, under the covers, in the corners, and well that is bout all we could go . . . but it was big time fun. The top picture is Max in his new work boots getting me with the guns. Then I wrestled both the guns away and chased him for a while. My photo opt there is playing hide and seek and I peeked out to shoo shoo Max while he jumped on the bed. I am so thankful for my little Max. He has blessed my life so much in just his 2 yrs. I can't wait to see what God has in store for my life as Max's Mom.

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